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July is Social Wellness Month, described as nurturing yourself and cultivating healthy relationships among family, friends, and co-workers. Did you know that 43% of Americans say they are more anxious than they were a year ago? Healthy connections will help. Remember, if you're in crisis, contact the 988 Lifeline immediately.

News & Events


Another Successful Rx Take Back Day!

Our IMPACT Coalitions love to collaborate with our law enforcement partners to reduce teen access to prescription drugs. FYI, in prevention language, this is what we refer to as an “environmental strategy.” All our coalitions work to implement these strategies to create and sustain positive change in their communities.

Our Prescription Take Back events this past weekend resulted in the collection of almost a half ton of unused or expired medications! I enjoyed spending time at the Waxahachie event and seeing car after car drive through to drop off Ziploc bags full of drugs. Our community partners and volunteers are the engines that power our IMPACT Coalitions and they rock!

To find out more about our coalitions, click here, or give us a call at 972-518-1821.